07 Oct

Aucoda, the inventors of coding language Au, have moved into The Sharp Project to develop the next stage of their technology business.

Au is a uniquely designed coding language that makes it simple and fast to develop cross platform, full stack, and robust applications.

Founded by Dr Raj Curwen and Stuart Melhuis, Aucoda focus on modernising development for the next generation of software developers by helping novice developers become experts, and helps expert developers become experts in more technologies.

Au drastically cuts down training and development time and hugely increases productivity.

Dr Raj Curwen, Aucoda CTO, explains: “We want to revolutionise development across the world by allowing novice developers to produce the code an expert would have written, and as a result make development more accessible and faster - allowing companies to save time and cost and get products to market more easily and quickly.

“Au is one of the most advanced and mature examples of automated coding on the planet. We are not aware of anybody that provides automated coding within a full development environment with built in de-bugging and deployment that novice developers can learn to use in two weeks."

Dr Curwen believes Aucoda is providing a solution to the skills gap.

“There is an ever growing demand for software, and software is becoming more complex, there is also a shortage of developers in the UK," he said. "Ironically, however as a result of the graduate skills gap computing graduates have the highest rate of unemployment. Our goal was to create something that could help to solve this problem, we believe we have achieved that with the Au Language and platform."

On choosing The Sharp Project, CEO Stuart Melhuish said: "The Sharp Project is ideal for us. We are located alongside other growing enthusiastic digital, technology and creative companies who may themselves have a need for our technology. We want to attract young people to work for and with our company – The Sharp Project’s culture also supports that."

Rob Page, commercial director of The Sharp Project said: "We have a proud heritage of developing exciting new technology companies here at The Sharp Project and Aucoda look set to continue that tradition. The team are hugely ambitious and have big plans so are in the right place to do so.

"Aucoda’s commitment to talent development and reducing the skills gap for young people looking to start their developer careers has the potential for huge impact not just here in Manchester but across the world."

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